Shamanic Astrology Readings

Natal and Transit Charts

Shamanic Astrology Readings

I provide Natal Chart and Transit Readings based upon the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm. Readings usually last around 90 minutes and can provide tremendous insight on your personal astrological archetypes, your life path opportunities as well as current opportunities and/or (we don’t love the word) challenges that you may be looking at in real time.

To provide the best insights, I’ll need your Birth date, place and birth time. We can work without the exact birth time, however we have more opportunities for insight with the correct and exact time.

All readings include an emailed copy of your charts, and a digital recording. ALL INFORMATION IS KEPT CONFIDENTIAL!

Contact me for current rates and specials and to schedule your reading. Payment is due in advance of the reading, and I accept Checks, Cash, Paypal and Venmo. 

You can use the contact for below or email me at

I’m looking forward to working with you!

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