About Shamanic Astrology

Astro Navigational tools

About Shamanic Astrology

What is Shamanic Astrology™ and why would I want to get a reading?

Shamanic Astrology operates through an archetypal and mythical framework that is anchored in the As Above, So Below mysteries -meaning this is a ceremonial and participatory approach to astrology designed to create greater awareness of a person’s life purpose and their relationship to Great Mystery.

Shamanic Astrology can help confirm what a person already knows, or senses, and thereby assists them in trusting their own inner knowing and inner process through greater understanding of the mysteries they have come to investigate, explore, and help evolve.

The main purpose of Shamanic Astrology is to give a person the understanding of their original intent, empowering them with knowledge of life purpose and the cycles of initiation everyone encounters. This approach provides a vision of the possibilities a person is here to experience so they can make more conscious choices.

The quest for meaning and purpose is the real foundation of what inspires people and this approach provides an understanding of what that meaning and purpose is for an individual and within the greater collective.With this knowledge a person is able to participate with their initiation cycles rather than feeling at the effect of them. This means Shamanic Astrology provides powerful tools intended to assist a person in taking responsibility for their own life.

Shamanic Astrology is an evolving system of astrology sourced and developed since 1970 out of the direct experience of founding astrologer Daniel Giamario (for whom Peter is very grateful for for being a mentor, teacher, advisor and all around great friend and IPA drinking buddy since 2006

More information can be found HERE