About the Destiny Cards

An Amazing Calendric System!

What is your Card?

Based upon the day you were born (month and day) you have a birth card represented by one of the cards from the deck of playing cards.

Consider the deck of playing cards. We are all familiar with them, sometimes from childhood.  You can almost thing about them as a universal language.  You may not share a language with someone, however you could probably play a card game with them as most societies, cultures and countries around the world recognize them.

According to Arne Lein, recorded history shows that the first playing cards emerged in France in the 14th century and were used to play games. Further theory, however, says that they are much older than that.

True historians of the cards have stated that the deck of playing cards as we know it as actually an ancient calendric system, that, according to Olney Richmond who wrote “The Mystic Test Book” comes from the kingdom of Atlantis? Atlantis, being an advanced civilization used the deck to track planetary movements, seasons, and cycles as we know it. The numerology of the cards, totally supports this notion. Here we go: (paraphrasing Robert Camp, from

– There are 52 Cards, which equal the 52 weeks in our calendar year

– If you reduce 52 as follows – add 5 plus 2, you get 7. 7’s are everwhere – they are the number of days in a week, the number of colors in the rainbow, the numbers of “Chakras” that the human body possesses and also the number of visible planets you can see in the night sky without the aid of a telescope.

– There are four suits – Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds and Spades. The four suits represent our four seasons – Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.  The four directions – North, South, East and West. The Four elements – Earth, Air, Water and Fire.

– If you take the numerological properties of the cards, assigning, in order, each Ace a 1, each two a 2 and so on up to the King who gets a 13 (13 cards in each suite) . Once you add all these numbers up (one, plus two, plus 3….and so on up to 13), then multiply that total by the four suits, the sum total is 364.  To which we add “The Joker” – all card decks have a Joker. The Joker represents “all of the suits plus themself” so they get ¼ point (or .25) for all four suits plus themselves, which equals 1.25.  When we add the value of the Joker to the four suits, we get 364 plus 1.25 or 365.25 – which represents the amount of days it takes the earth to transit the sun each year. (remember, every four years is a leap year to make up for that extra day!).

– The twelve “Court Cards” meaning, the Jack, Queen and King of each suit, represent the 12 months in our calendar year

So – check it out! When we are using the card deck to ask questions, consider personal information or even to just play a game – we are using the energy of our whole year, every month, every day, as well as all of the seasons, elements, directions, and the planets in the night sky to provide insights and navigational tools.

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